Saturday, November 6, 2010

My Mama told better shop around...on 7th Street.

I had never ventured there before today.  I had some time to kill, so I hit the EZ Pawn first.  I quickly spotted this TC Helicon vocal processor.  Sweet!  I almost hate to post it here, but I have a duty to my readers.  Here's what Guitar Center has to say:

The VoiceTone Create XT from TC Helicon is a hit-producer-in-a-pedal. Now you can get those "ear candy" vocal effects that producers call on every day to create hit tracks. VoiceTone Create XT vocal effect processor improves on the original Create by incorporating HardTune (used by artists such as T-Pain and Kanye West) and the rich, front-of-house quality reverb from its famous big brother, VoiceLive 2. The TC Helicon Create XT vocal processor is now easier to use with individual on/off buttons for the effects blocks, more onboard editing, an input for an optional Switch3 footswitch if you prefer a vocal effects pedal, and much more!
Yes it got 5 stars based on 9 reviews.  It sounds like a deal at $80 off of a new one, but wait, it's been there for a while so it's actually getting even cheaper.

Next, I put together a Hartke HA200 head for $99 and this 410 cabinet that's going for $167.  Not bad for a decent bass rig.   I have actually heard this exact setup in a band situation and it sounded really good.  The head is missing two of the knobs, but those are easily replaceable.

If you like BC Rich guitars, look at this shop. 
They had a few.

Next in line was the Mustang Pawn.  I have to say, it is run by some pretty cool vatos.  They had a pretty good collection of practice amps and off brand guitars.  One thing that peaked my interest was a Music Man 212 Sixty Five combo amp.  Here's a pic.
I poked around and found the foot switch tucked in back.  It controls the vibrato and reverb.  Back in the 70's, these sold new for around $650.  I didn't see a price tag on this and was headed up to the counter to get a price and got distracted by 3 Les Pauls and some other stuff.  Anyway, I'll call and get the price later.

I stopped in at a Cash American next but there wasn't a lot.  They had an vintage looking acoustic guitar by Epiphone for $250.  Something about it looked really cool and vintage.  The inlays looked different than any Gibson or Epiphone that I've seen.  Kinda like a rectangle with rounded corners.  I didn't get a picture of it.


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